The Hashtag Hustle

Book description

The Hashtag Hustle: Law and Policy Perspectives on Working in the Influencer Economy is a new open access book in the Elgar Law, Technology and Society series. This timely book sheds light on the cultural, economic and legal aspects of content creation as a form of labour, investigating concerns over working conditions, worker protection, and the status of the working relationship. Chapters written by leading experts in the field explore two opposing, yet complementary sides of work: labour as an invisible and underappreciated effort made by influencers, and labour as an economic enterprise.

Webinar series

To discuss and share the knowledge collected in this edited volume, we held a series of three webinars to unpack some of the themes addressed by our authors. We also asked invited discussants to react with their own provocations to the content of the volume. The recordings are available as a book companion. We thoroughly enjoyed these creative discussions and we hope so will you!