Project events
HUMANads research outreach event (March 2024)
The HUMANads team brought together policy-makers and regulators from the EU, the Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Denmark and Norway to showcase the project research so far.

'AVMSD: An Influencer Context' - Guest workshop with with Nadia Feci (April 2024)
Guest workshop with residential visiting researcher Nadia Feci (KU Leuven), who specializes in EU media law and researches how this field applies to the activity of influencers.

Romanian Advertising Council influencer ethics conference (May 2024)
The conference was co-hosted with HUMANads and featured discussions with industry, academia and influencers on the ethical standards applicable to social media.
Influencer Legal Hub launch (October 2023)
The HUMANads team collaborated with the European Commission to launch the Influencer Legal Hub, the first European resource on consumer law and influencer marketing.

Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop (December 2023)
The workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners from NLP, machine learning and other artificial intelligence disciplines together with legal practitioners and researchers.

The Digital Services Act for media scholars webinar series (November 2023)
The HUMANads team collaborated with media studies expert Tom Divon to host a series of three webinars unpacking the Digital Services Act.
Researching platform ToS - a pre-Gikii workshop (September 2023)
Multidisciplinary workshop on the methodological implications of researching Terms of Service on online platforms

HUMANads @ICON panel on political influencers (October 2023)
Panel on the applicable legal framework to influencer speech in the realm of political advertising (and beyond), hosted at the ICON Benelux conference.

'The Ideal Influencer' - Guest workshop with Sophie Bishop (October 2023)
Guest workshop with project researcher Sophie Bishop (University of Leeds) on influencer ideal identities.
HUMANads @ CPDP 2023 Workshop (May 2023)
Tensions between consumer law and privacy in the content creator economy - a dialogue between researchers and public agencies.

Gikii 2023
(September 2023)
Multidisciplinary international conference combining law and popular culture, gathering law and technology and computer science experts.

The Cultural Geography of Creator Cultures (June 2023) @Locating Media Industries
This panel, hosted by David Craig (USC Annenberg), brought together media and legal scholars to discuss the geographies of creator cultures.

HUMANads kickoff workshop (October 2022)
Media studies & law workshop looking at content monetization to reveal cultural questions and legal tensions.

Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop (December 2022)
The workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners from NLP, machine learning and other artificial intelligence disciplines together with legal practitioners and researchers.

Symposium: Radical Reforms - Bringing fairness to social media contracts (March 2023)
Utrecht University and the Verfassungsblog hosted the first HUMANads annual conference in Utrecht, focusing on a private law exploration of social media contracts.