Public policy
Participating in policy events
Our team is often invited to participate in events organized by European or national regulators and self-regulators on topics dealing with platform governance, content monetization and influencer marketing. At these events, we provide insights from our research through active participation, keynotes or other presentations. So far, we have attended events organized by the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the E-Enforcement Academy, the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services and the European Advertising Standards Alliance. More details about these events, including links, can be found under Community Engagement.

Submitting policy briefs to public consultations
We often participate in public consultations by national and supranational policy-makers to inform this process using insights and perspectives developed on the basis of the evidence gathered in our research. So far, we submitted policy briefs for public consultations held by the French government as well as the European Commission (DG Justice & Consumers; DG CONNECT). In the past, our team members also submitted evidence (both written and oral evidence) to the UK Parliament and the US Federal Trade Commission. All the submitted policy briefs can be found under Publications.