We're an academic research team studying fairness in the content creation economy, particularly advertising & influencer marketing. We share free, scientific knowledge on regulation, legal compliance and public policy using insights and methods from law, computer science and media studies. Funded by the European Research Council through a Starting Grant.


We have a considerable knowledge repository! We're collecting a lot of resources from academic studies, market research, news and policy developments to help folks navigate the complex economic world of content creation (particularly relating to advertising & influencer marketing).

Researchers can find several bibliography lists with updated literature, so you don't have to do these searches from scratch. We'll also monitor datasets and other relevant resources for multidisciplinary research (e.g. computational social science). 

We'll also feature guest blog posts from the Influencer Law Clinic, as well as short commentaries on recent policy and regulatory debates and developments.


We're a multidisciplinary team of researchers based at Utrecht University (Netherlands) and funded by the European Research Council through an ERC Starting Grant managed by Associate Professor Catalina Goanta (Principal Investigator), with affiliate researchers from Maastricht University (Netherlands) and Leeds University (UK), as well as an advisory board that includes world-renowned experts in digital governance. 

Our researchers have diverse disciplinary backgrounds in law, computer science (e.g. natural language processing) and media studies (e.g. influencer cultures).



Creators, regulators, journalists, researchers, we welcome all outreach!

For all other inquiries, contact the Principal Investigator at e.c.goanta [at] uu [dot] nl.

Get in touch

European Research Council project (ERC-2021-StG No 101041824).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.